How often should you blog?

Laptop sitting on a bed next to a mug.

Many therapists get stuck on how frequent they should blog for their business. The number of posts you publish depends on many factors including your business and content goals, your blog length, the topics, and your schedule. 

Committing to a blog schedule can be a little off-putting especially when there are so many other competing priorities on the to-do list. Starting and maintaining a blog is hard work but with a little preparation and forward-thinking, it can be a stress free promotional tool for your business. 

Marketing is essential in any small business plan, even for therapists. While it often doesn’t come naturally to ‘market’ our services, if we don’t have a local or online presence people are unlikely to find us. 

What is the magic number? 

Unfortunately, there is no magic number when it comes to blogging frequency. Value and consistency are far more important. When you choose a blogging schedule, stick to it. Committing to blogging fortnight and being consistent will have far better results than saying you’ll blog weekly and lose steam after a month. 

While some marketers swear that blogging daily or several times a week is the only way to grow your blog, this is simply not viable for most business owners. 


Because blogging is a long game. Many business owners want to see immediate results but that’s not the way blogging works. So if you commit to blogging everyday for a month and see little in terms of site traffic and growth it will likely demotivate you to continue. 

But if you see blogging is one part in your overall marketing and business plan, then this takes away the focus on examining the direct results of each blog post you produce. 

Benefits of consistent, value-driven content

Organic growth

When you consistently add valuable content to your website, you will experience organic growth. What does this mean? It means that you will have traffic coming to your website (i.e. search terms that lead them to your site). The more content and the more frequently you publish it, the better your SEO and the better your website will rank in search engines. This means people who are actively searching terms for services you offer will find you rather than you trying to find them via social media or other avenues. 

This form of marketing is free. It does take time but is an easy way to grow your business without paid advertising. 

You build authority

When you create consistent, valuable content you build trust and authority with your audience. This ties into a clear content marketing plan. Plan out your content ahead of time and write about topics you have a lot of experience with. When you write what you know and you do it well, you will become the ‘go to’ expert in your field. This opens up a lot of opportunities such as speaking engagement, media interviews and creating and selling non-clinical offers. 

Consistency is key

Good writing habits

Sometimes the hardest part about writing is getting started. Create writing habits that work to your strengths. So if you’re most creative and motivated in the mornings, don’t leave it until evening. More tips on creating good writing habits here.


The only way to stay consistent with your blog is to add it to your schedule. Decide on the day you want to post your blog and work backwards from there. Mark it in your diary when you need to write the blog post, format and publish it in order to keep to your schedule. Batch writing can help you save time here.

Quality over quantity

If you’d prefer to write one in depth article once a fortnight or month rather than four shorter ones then do that. Provide a lot of value to your reader and ensure they know when to expect your next blog post.

Final thoughts…

The perfect blogging frequency comes down to your ability to write consistent value-driven content and your blogging goals. Once you decide on a schedule and frequency, stick to it! Review it after six months and make changes as needed. 

Would you like help staying on track with your blogging goals? I offer blog coaching and support for therapists, health and wellness professionals who want to create content that connects. Month to month coaching packages available, no lock-in contracts. Fill in the briefing form and book in a 15 minute discovery call to see if it’s a good fit for you.


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